Oscar Mandel

Oscar Mandel

Selected Works

Titles in English

Complete Theatre
Complete Theatre
Otherwise Poems
Otherwise Poems
Otherwise Fables Contents
Otherwise Fables
Last Pages: Stories, Dramas, Poems, Essays
Last Pages: Stories, Dramas, Poems, Essays
The Book of Elaborations
The Book of Elaborations
Chi Po and the Sorcerer: a Chinese Tale for Children and Philosophers
Chi Po and the Sorcerer: a Chinese Tale for Children and Philosophers
Fundamentals of the Art of Poetry
Fundamentals of the Art of Poetry
A Definition of Tragedy
A Definition of Tragedy
Annotations to Vanity Fair
Annotations to Vanity Fair
Philoctetes and the Fall of Troy: Plays, Documents, Iconography, Interpretations
Philoctetes and the Fall of Troy: Plays, Documents, Iconography, Interpretations
The Theatre of Don Juan: a Collection of Plays and Views 1630-1963
The Theatre of Don Juan: a Collection of Plays and Views 1630-1963
Two Romantic Plays: The Spaniards in Denmark by Prosper Mérimée and The Rebels of Nantucket
Two Romantic Plays: The Spaniards in Denmark by Prosper Mérimée and The Rebels of Nantucket
Five Comedies of Medieval France
Five Comedies of Medieval France
Thomas Corneille’s Ariadne
Thomas Corneille’s Ariadne
Seven Comedies by Marivaux
Seven Comedies by Marivaux
Prosper Mérimée: Plays on Hispanic
Prosper Mérimée: Plays on Hispanic Themes
Ludwig Tieck: The Land of Upside Down
Ludwig Tieck: The Land of Upside Down
August von Kotzebue: the Comedy, the Man
August von Kotzebue: the Comedy, the Man
The Art of Alessandro Magnasco: an Essay in the Recovery of Meaning
The Art of Alessandro Magnasco: an Essay in the Recovery of Meaning
The Cheerfulness of Dutch Art: a Rescue Operation
The Cheerfulness of Dutch Art: a Rescue Operation

Titles in French, Italian, and Dutch

L’Arc de Philoctète
L’Arc de Philoctète
Le Triomphe d’Agamemnon
Le Triomphe d’Agamemnon
Amphitryon, ou le cocu béni
Amphitryon, ou le cocu béni
Théâtre dans un fauteuil: huit comédies et drames
Théâtre dans un fauteuil: huit comédies et drames
Chi Po et le sorcier: conte chinois
Chi Po et le sorcier: conte chinois
La Reine de Patagonie et son caniche: fables
La Reine de Patagonie et son caniche: fables
Cette guêpe me regarde de travers: poèmes en deux langues
Cette guêpe me regarde de travers: poèmes en deux langues
Etre ou ne pas être juif
Etre ou ne pas être juif
Essere O Non Essere Ebreo
Essere O Non Essere Ebreo
Jood zijn of niet
Jood zijn of niet
Titles in English Titles in French, Italian, and Dutch

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